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HEC Liège Luxembourg

2022 was a year of collaboration: discover HEC Liège Luxembourg

Fanny Delacauw
23/01/23 11:00

2022 was placed under the sign of collaboration and partnership for HEC Liège Executive Education!

This year, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, HEC Liège and HEC Liège Executive Education have joined forces to offer programmes for Luxembourg companies and their employees. This collaboration seems logical, when considering that no less than 1300 HEC alumni work in Luxembourg.

This partnership has materialized through the creation of various programs, namely:

The creation of other programmes adapted to the Luxembourg market is of course planned for 2023!

Although the collaboration between HEC Liège & the Chamber of Commerce has been going on for many years, these new programmes organized in partnership aim to meet the current and future needs in terms of upskilling and reskilling, as well as to develop and retain talent in Luxembourg thanks to hands-on learning and its immediate impact in the business.

A new entity called “HEC Liège Luxembourg” was therefore created to symbolize this collaboration and to oversee these new courses, which will take place in the buildings of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

HEC Liège Luxembourg has also joined The International Dual Career Network (IDCN) Luxembourg association with the objective to facilitate the professional integration of the partners and spouses of the latter's employees in the Grand Duchy.

As specified in the Chronicle article about this collaboration, “As a corporate member, the partners and spouses of HEC Liège Luxembourg employees can register with IDCN and become a part of its vast partners' community as well as benefit from a variety of services such as information on the local labour market, help with their resume, professional integration, networking events and opportunities to volunteer to run some of IDCN's activities”.

The Luxembourg IDCN group was created in May 2018 and counts members such as Amazon, ArcelorMittal, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Ferrero, HEC Liège Luxembourg, PwC, the British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg (BCC), the University of Luxembourg & Vodafone.

You would like to know more about HEC Liège Luxembourg and the courses offered through this collaboration?

Discover HEC Liège Luxembourg


Source :

HEC Liège Luxembourg-1

Discover HEC Liège Luxembourg!

Created thanks to the partnership between the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg & HEC Liège, HEC Liège Luxembourg offers a range of programmes for Luxembourg companies and their employees. 

Discover HEC Liège Luxembourg


Discover the International MBA in Luxembourg!

The International executive MBA is a 60-70 EU credits programme composed of core and electives courses, that challenge students to step out of their comfort zone in an interactive format.

Discover the MBA

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